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LAS Information Technology

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


System Dashboard - Iowa State University Issues/JIRA

System Dashboard JiraCampus JIRA project tracking system.




ISU IT Handbook

ISU IT HandbookCampus IT Handbook. Requires login.




Research IT

Research ITResearch IT picks up where traditional desktop support ends and collaborates with researchers to resolve complex technology hurdles. Research IT focuses on solving difficult computational problems in collaboration with researchers at Iowa State University. Examples might include: I am working with genome assembly and need a high-memory server. We have developed a computational pipeline and wish to optimize it because it keeps crashing/takes weeks to run/isn't automated.


Biology Information Technology (BIT)

Biology IT Biology IT is a collaborative effort of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
 We work with faculty, staff and graduate students in the biological sciences to ensure that their computing experience is fast, stable and secure. We provide system support, web development, backup, software licensing, research IT consulting and access to high-performance computers.


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

College of Liberal Arts and SciencesThe College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University is a world-class learning and research community, educating students to become global citizens, providing rigorous academic programs in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.